Thursday, March 17, 2011

Local News: Allegations Against FC Barcelona

Picture taken by Jenna Hrubes
January 16, 2011
Barcelona vs. Malaga

Article taken directly from :

"Barcelona are considering legal action after a Spanish radio station made allegations "which link the club to doping practices".
Barca issued a strongly-worded statement on Monday denying claims made by Cadena Cope and are in consultation with lawyers over their next course of action.
A statement released on the club's official website read: "In response to the grave insinuations broadcast on Sunday night on the Cadena Cope radio station, FC Barcelona wishes to publicly express its total indignation at these unfounded references which link the club to doping practices and to condemn such attitudes, which have nothing to do with fair play and gravely affect the image of sporting competition.
"FC Barcelona is demanding an immediate rectification and wishes to let it be known that its legal department is studying possible legal action to defend the club's honour, alongside that of its coaching staff, players and medical staff and is prepared to take such action to its final consequences.""

My opinion regarding the article:
I believe these are serious accusations made against FC Barcelona. There are rumors that the president of Real Madrid is behind these allegations. In my Sports and Society class, we discussed this matter in detail. Many students (including myself) believe this could be a conspiracy against Barcelona. These accusations are coming out before the biggest games of the year, and Real Madrid could possibly be trying to get into the heads of FC Barca's players and coaches and psyche them out.  I don't believe these accusations could be real, because 8 players played for the Spanish National Team in 2010. These 8 players were drug tested for this team, and passed with flying colors. So why would the players use doping practices now? To me, it doesn't make sense. The players have played together for so long, and have succeeded for years now. So I believe these allegations are false, and a conspiracy to psyche the team out before the final rounds of football begin.

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